Bethany Happenings
LECTORS*USHERS*GREETERS*COMMUNION HELP NEEDED: Worship Assistant for December If interested please sign up at the Narthex Desk, Call or email Brenda at the Church office 641-648-3555.
REBEKAH CIRCLE: First Thursday of each month next meeting is December 7th at 11:00am. Rebekah Circle will not meet in January, February or March.
ACOLYTE NEEDED: For Sundays in December If interested, please Call Brenda at the Bethany office at 641-648-3555 or Look it up online. Thank you!
HARDIN COUNTY EMERGENCY FOOD PANTRY: When you are purchasing your staples to make holiday goodies, keep in mind that our friends who use the Food Pantry could probably use some also. We all love to have those tasty treats around over the Holidays. You’ll find the donation box in the Fellowship Hall. Thank you very much and have a “Blessed Holiday Season”.
THRIFT STORE VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Thrift Store volunteers needed on December 15th. Sign-up sheet is on the Narthex Desk or Call Bethany Office at 641-648-3555. Thank You!
CHRISTMAS WITH FRIENDS: The Bethany choir will be performing Sunday, December 3rd at the UCC "Christmas with Friends" (formerly "Festival of Trees") The schedule is as follows:5:45-6:10 - Bethany Choir, 6:35-7:00 - Combined Choirs (including Bethany) and group sing along. Please join us for a great start to the holidays!!
5 WAYS TO GIVE ON-LINE NOW: Regular Offering, Property Fund, Pass Along Party and Bethany Cares at Easter and Poinsettias. Just go to and push button that says Online Giving.
RUTH CIRCLE: We are having our xmas party on December 13 at 6:00 p.m. at Red's Smokehouse.
Saturday, December 2 5:30p.m First Sunday of Advent
Sunday, December 3. 9:00am. First Sunday of Advent/Choir sings/LiveStream
10:15 am. Faith Formation
Christmas Program Rehearsal - Lunch provided
First Congregational - UCC Celebration of Christmas
Noon. Child Safety Policy Meeting